DANCEbank presents guest artist, Ralf Jaroschinski
Saturday & Sunday, July 11 & 12th, 11am-2pm
$17 single class, $30 both days.
Ralf Jaroschinski was born in Southern Germany and grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He received classical and modern dance training in Germany and then studied contemporary dance techniques in New York City. That’s where he discovered contact improvisation (CI) about fourteen years ago – mainly in Daniel Lepkoff’s and Alito Alessi’s classes among others. He currently works as a dance teacher and choreographer mainly in Europe and the Americas. He enjoys using CI in his creations and teaching it since about eight years.
In the beginning of the class, we’ll focus on our center and awareness: We will look for the true internal source and the authentic external expression of our own dance. We will then investigate attentively the texture of our connection with our partner(s) through listening to their and again our actions and reactions in the ongoing dance. During this, we will be able to fully enjoy participating in the dance, because our and our partners' contributions to it will be generous and full-hearted, since they are at all times nurtured from within and therefore inexhaustible. And so, finally, we will feel union and satisfaction while dancing with our partner(s), because we’ll not only be experiencing the freedom of space and the excitement of momentum in the dynamic dance, but also the heightened support we get from dancing in communication with our center and other persons’ centers as well.
For more information please visit:
www.ralfjaroschinski.de <http://www.ralfjaroschinski.de>
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